Offering QR Code
We now have another way to give an offering through electronic means. The below QR code (shown) works through your mobile phone's camera and can take you directly to the LCA's Donations webpage (a secure page) so you can make an offering or donation to Calvary's account. How it works:
1. Use your mobile phone's camera and focus on the QR code picture.
2. Select the link and this will direct you to the LCA's Donations page
(a secure webpage that is safe for donations).
3. As the Calvary Morphett Vale's tab has been pre-selected for you, select the 'General Donations' tab under 'Select a Project Below to continue.'
4. This will take you to where you can input the amount you wish to give, then through the rest of the process so that your chosen amount may be withdrawn from your nominated account. Your donation can be made 'anonymous' if you wish - select this option during the personal details stage.
5. If the QR code does not work you can copy/select this link which will take you to the same webpage:
NB. If you require any help, Pastor Andre or Sharyn will be able to assist you after worship has concluded or at another convenient time.
We pray this extra dimension to how we may give our offering to the Lord will be a blessing for both those who are regular attenders, and for visitors who join us in worship. One benefit is that we may also use this method of giving at any time that is convenient - even if we are not able to attend
worship in a particular week. May you be blessed as you give freely and cheerfully to the work of our Lord.
We now have another way to give an offering through electronic means. The below QR code (shown) works through your mobile phone's camera and can take you directly to the LCA's Donations webpage (a secure page) so you can make an offering or donation to Calvary's account. How it works:
1. Use your mobile phone's camera and focus on the QR code picture.
2. Select the link and this will direct you to the LCA's Donations page
(a secure webpage that is safe for donations).
3. As the Calvary Morphett Vale's tab has been pre-selected for you, select the 'General Donations' tab under 'Select a Project Below to continue.'
4. This will take you to where you can input the amount you wish to give, then through the rest of the process so that your chosen amount may be withdrawn from your nominated account. Your donation can be made 'anonymous' if you wish - select this option during the personal details stage.
5. If the QR code does not work you can copy/select this link which will take you to the same webpage:
NB. If you require any help, Pastor Andre or Sharyn will be able to assist you after worship has concluded or at another convenient time.
We pray this extra dimension to how we may give our offering to the Lord will be a blessing for both those who are regular attenders, and for visitors who join us in worship. One benefit is that we may also use this method of giving at any time that is convenient - even if we are not able to attend
worship in a particular week. May you be blessed as you give freely and cheerfully to the work of our Lord.